putting your best foot forward, even if no one else ever sees it! These Avery printable dividers with tabs are as good an example of this basic tenet and attention to details as I've ever seen in my 54 years! In the past, I actual cringed upon opening up my small but importaint file cabinet to find a document and seeing instead, the royal mess I had made of my file deviders and tabs. Even when I didn't hand write on my deviders and tabs, the small, label machine lables and pasted on bits of pc printer notes , etc, looked like a poorly made grade school project! These Avery printable dividers with tabs have ended the days of those badly executed file holders and my paperwork headach, allowing me to quickly make professional looking file packages, with indexs or other 'at a glance' information, including pictures and ikons. Thank you Avery, for making my file cabinet so beautifully. Orginized!